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GDPR –  Is there still a mountain to climb for many small businesses?

GDPR – Is there still a mountain to climb for many small businesses?

With Brexit sucking all the oxygen out of the room as far as the country is concerned in the last year, it is understandable that data protection has taken a back seat after its great fanfare in May 2018. However, the threats to information security haven’t gone away. So, what’s been happening out in the real world of small business? Are they getting their act together now or is it still confounding them in the same way that Brexit is doing for our MPs?

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5 tell-tale signs your processes are holding back your business

5 tell-tale signs your processes are holding back your business

So, you’ve managed to navigate those choppy start-up years when it was just you, your laptop and a mobile phone. Perhaps you now employ a couple of people and have an actual office. You’ve got data on your PCs, data in the “cloud”, systems to help with your time recording, expense tracking, email marketing, billing, case management etc. Everything is kinda OK though because at least you still manage to get the bills out every month. But kinda OK isn’t great is it? 

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